Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Betcha you thought I forgot

Well, well, I betcha you all think I forgot about my blogging!!! You're right I did until Susan just reminded me that is has "been months since I've blogged" So she made me sit down next to her and have a go at it. It's been a busy summer for me - I've gone to stay with some new people who were pretty nice - little girl call me reindeer instead of Blitzen which kind of made me mad but she did let me sleep in her bed so I guess she's ok - Tim and Susan went to "Banff" in a place called Alberta, Canada - I guess dogs aren't allowed in Canada because I couldn't go?!? Also they golfed in Walla Walla with our good friends Gerri and Ed - Susan let me know that Sadie didn't get to go either so I didn't feel too bad. The peeps celebrated their 29th wedding anniversary - wow, no wonder they look so good together, they must be growing on each other! My little sis Kristen has been home a couple of times which has been SO, SO NICE - I love it when she comes home and she holds me and cuddles, first thing in the morning I run down to see her because she really has a cozy bed. Lauren and Bryan have been around some too - even brought Bruno over a couple of times so I had fun playing with him too. Just heard Tim and Susan talking about Bryan being 30 years old on August 6th - that would make him 210 in dog years..... way too old for me.
Anyhow my paws are getting sore from typing - later, I'm off to another lap, let's see, Tim or Susan...... Tim wins this time

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Well, my staycation here in West Seattle is drawing to a close, and while it has been great - I'm definitely ready to head on home (looking forward to my king sized bed most of all). Cousin Bruno and I have had some great times, a little wrasslin, a little walkin, but mostly chillin out and watching the boob tube. The basketball games were great, I'm a big fan of the Butler Bulldogs - I don't know what the rest of you thought, but I think the mascot is hot! hot! hot!.... But I digress. Yep, most of my time here has been great, but I did get a little peeved at Bryan for kicking me off of the couch one afternoon, so I pooped on the rug to get him back... hahahaha, I always get the last laugh. So to sum up my visit: took a stroll to the farmer's market to be told how cute I was by strangers again and again, played with Bruno, kicked it with cousin Sarah (i guess Maya was too busy to bother), slept a lot, and ate about half of a rope toy. All in all, a successful week. So bienvenidos Tim and Susan, I can't wait for you to come back and get me. Hope you both got great tans and that you're ready for some big time lap sitting soon. Happy Easter to all, Ciao,

Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday night fun with Susan while Tim is watching basketball - fun, fun, fun! Susan and I watched a movie tonight since nothing was good on tv (so she said)..... I didn't really care what we watched as long as I got to sit in her lap and chew on my new monkey! Anyhow..... she watched some show about perfume, I think, it was called Scent of a Woman - she really seemed to enjoy it as she pretty much ignored me and got really mad when I needed to go outside to do my thing ( oh, really I was just faking it trying to get her attention!) Ok, she just told me it had nothing really to do with perfume or maybe it did??? (Make up your mind, really!!) She does suggest you all might really like it as she said "wow" when it was over. Now that she is ready to play with me, I'm exhausted from pacing back and forth to the front door trying to get her to see me or hear my nails a clicking!! Well, have a good weekend... good news Tim should be home in a couple of hours and then I can bug him.....

Sunday, January 31, 2010

A boring Saturday for me.......
Well, I spent alot of time in the old "pen" yesterday - Tim and Susan seemed to be off from one fun thing to another while I stayed home. They were sure excited in the morning as they got up early (at least early for them on a Saturday!) and got all dressed in warm and fuzzy clothes. The night before I was out in the garage with Tim and he put these long pieces of something up on top of Susan's beautiful truck - luckily she wasn't out there with us because I heard him say "oops" a couple of times which wasn't what she would have liked to hear??!!! Well, after hearing them talk some more I realized they were going "skiing" something Tim was saying they hadn't done in 5 years - even before I was born, wow! Something about a place called Crystal Mountain - sounded cold to me so I really didn't want to go anyway...... Susan was telling Tim about the time she fell all the way down Crystal Mountain when she was a kid... he acted like he'd maybe heard the story a few hundred times before!!!! So off to nap time for me..... next thing I know they are home and hobbling around the place like they could hardly walk but were very happy so they must have had some fun inspite of the hobbling and groaning. Really after listening some more it sounds like they had a great time - they sound like they love being in the snow! But...... no sooner did I get relaxed on the couch they start talking about me and the "pen" again! What's up with this, I just got out of the "pen"?!? Off to dinner with a Molly and Kevin in Seattle - they were sure excited. Seems like this Kevin and Molly are pretty special people in our lives! Next thing I know they are back home - laughing about the great time they had with these folks! I'm just glad they were home - I needed a good lap to sleep in - actually a good bed to sleep in...... which I did.....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well..... I haven't been feeling very good lately, not eating or mouth is super sore, what do they expect?? Susan took me to see Carla - nice lady, but she likes to put stuff where it doesn't belong, if you know what I mean?!? Somehow I have broken off two of my pearly whites - probably when Tim thought I wanted to play tug-o-war and pulled really hard or maybe I did it when I was chewing one of my bones, who knows, all I do know is my mouth is a mess. The good news is when Susan and I got home she made me this great meal of softened food and broth, I did enjoy a bit of that. Tim was home when we got there, that was a nice surprise! I heard him say that the house seemed so empty when he got home because "Blitzen wasn't here"... nothing about Susan not being here...ha, ha, ha! Even some more great news, Carla gave me a tasty drink that takes the pain away..ahhhhhh that is nice but it do e s ma k e m e sl e e p y - g'night

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hi everyone! Just thought I needed to keep up with the other 2 Berndt girls and start a blog. Susan suggested it and I obliged. Tim is making cinnamon rolls for breakfast and I'm hoping for a spill or two or at the very least a dropped raisin. I overheard them talking this morning and sounds like it is going to be one of my favorite days today - both Tim and Susan staying home, watching football - when they are home that means...... I don't have to go out in my "pen" (as they like to call it) in the garage... basically it is a wire enclosure that keeps me from going inside. No complaints, really, because I have a cushy bed and a new blanket that is fluffy and says "Spoiled Rotten" (who me???) Anyhow I'm off to go sit in a lap and enjoy the day.